GameChanger Tracker -Discovering Passion - Shaping Futures!
Explore, understand, and develop youth interests for a personalized educational and career journey!
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Unleash Your Inner Potential
The GameChanger Tracker is a cutting-edge methodology tailored for middle and high school students, designed to assist them in uncovering their passions and forging their future educational and career paths. The methodology combines advanced technology with personalized assessment tools, offering a unique experience for each student.
5 Key Benefits for Parents: How GameChanger Tracker Enhances Your Teen's Growth and Family Connection
Understand Your Teen
Learn what truly excites and motivates your child
Better Conversations
Connect more deeply with your teen by discussing their passions and goals
Informed Advice
Provide better support and advice based on your teen's unique interests
Ease Career Anxiety
Reduce uncertainty about the future by aligning their interests with possible careers
Shared Learning Experience
Join your teen in learning about new subjects and hobbies, enhancing family bonding.
About our mission
Our mission is to unlock the potential in every teenager. Our team, a blend of educators, technologists, and entrepreneurs, is dedicated to guiding teens on their path of discovery and growth.
Our approach was born from the vision to empower teens in exploring and developing their passions. Designed to be engaging and intuitive, GameChanger Tracker helps teens navigate their interests and ambitions, while also fostering connections with parents and educators.
We're committed to building a world where every teenager has the support to explore, grow, and succeed.
Our Unique Approach
We utilize a sophisticated blend of proven strategies to expertly navigate the GameChanger Tracker
  • Holland Code (RIASEC) Career Test
    This test helps teens understand how their interests relate to different careers. Each letter in "RIASEC" stands for a particular career type: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.
  • CliftonStrengths for Students
    This assessment helps students identify their top five strengths from a list of 34 themes, providing insights into areas where they have the greatest potential for building strength.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    This assessment categorizes personality types into 16 different types based on preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
  • Kuder Career Planning System
    This is a comprehensive program that helps students assess their interests, skills, and work values, explore careers, prepare for educational opportunities, and build their portfolios.
  • Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
    This assessment measures teens' interests in a broad range of occupations, work activities, leisure activities, and school subjects.
  • Learning Style Inventory
    It assesses individuals' learning preferences, which can be useful for choosing study methods and environments that enhance learning.
How The GameChanger Tracker Transformed the Lives of 1000+ Students Worldwide
Our partners
We are proud to be trusted by top Universities and companies worldwide
What teens and their parents say about their experience
  • Before GameChanger Tracker, I was really unsure about what subjects to focus on for my college applications. This tool not only helped me discover my passion for environmental science, but it also connected me with a community of like-minded peers. It's more than just a tool; it's been a guide and a motivator for me. Plus, my parents are super impressed with how well I'm planning my future now!
    Emily, 16
    High School Student from the US
  • I always knew I loved art, but GameChanger Tracker helped me explore so many different aspects of it. I've started digital art thanks to the resources the tool suggested, and I've even connected with other teen artists around the world through its Discord community. It's amazing how it's helping me shape my artistic journey and also my confidence in choosing this as a career path. My art teacher has noticed my newfound focus too
    Luis, 15
    Aspiring Artist from Spain
  • Navigating my interests in science and technology was overwhelming, but GameChager Tracker made it so much easier and fun. I've been able to narrow down my interests to aerospace engineering, and I'm actively working towards this goal. The best part is how my parents use the tool to understand and support my dreams. It's not just a tracker; it's been a real game-changer for my educational journey.
    Aisha, 17
    Future Engineer from Kenya
  • My daughter has been using GameCgahger Tracker for six months now, and the change in her is remarkable. She's more confident about her career choices and is actively engaged in exploring her interests in biotechnology. The tool's collaborative feature has allowed us to be a part of her discovery process, making it a wonderful bonding experience. It's reassuring to see her so driven and focused at this age.
    Father of a 16-year-old, India
  • As a parent of two very different teens, GameChanger Tracker has been a blessing. It caters to each of their unique interests - from music to robotics - and provides them with resources and community support. What I love most is how it encourages them to set goals and tracks their progress. It's not just about academics; it's about their overall growth. Seeing them use the tool has given me peace of mind about their future paths.
    Mother of two teenagers, UAE
  • Seeing my son use gameChanger Tracker has been an eye-opener. He's always been a bit undecided about his interests, but this tool has helped him focus and discover what he truly enjoys. As a parent, it's been invaluable in helping me understand how to support his aspirations. The privacy settings ensure he's comfortable sharing with me, making our conversations about his future more meaningful.
    Mother of a 14-year-old, United States
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    Feel free to contact us
    SV Campus LLC
    800 Park Offices Dr, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

